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All classes for the Winter Intensive are held at Raleigh ACT, 7319 Six Forks Road, North Raleigh


Wednesdays and Thursdays, 6 pm - 9 pm

Saturdays and Sundays, 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Maximum # of students: 8

2023 Summer Intensive Production "No Exit". (l-r) Aiden Bate, Christine Rogers, and Taylor Reimold.

ATG 2025 Postcard (Winter Intensive).jpg

Established in 2015, the Intensive was designed to immerse the student in a conservatory-like setting. Students take 4 Master Classes and 2 Professional Development Classes while rehearsing a 10 - 15 minute scene or one-act. Performances will be done in a blackbox setting: minimal sets, lights, costumes, and props. This is a chance to put your training to the test. It is a big time commitment consisting of 7 classes four days a week including rehearsals: Wednesday and Thursday: 6 - 9, and Saturday and Sunday: 2:30 - 5:30


Students unable to take the full Intensive have other options to attend classes including the Master Class Bundle, Professional Development Bundle, or take Master and Professional Development classes separately. ​


Class size in the intensives is limited to 8 participants. 

Winter Scene Study Intensive​

Winter Intensive Schedule:
Weds. and Thurs., 6 - 9
Sats. and Suns., 2:30 - 6

Scheduled Classes:
Voice-Over with Wendy Zier
On-Camera Technique with Tony Pender

Sense Memory

Stage Combat or Styles of Performance

Acting with Movement
Scene Study (Rehearsals)

Master Class Bundle: $795
Includes: All four Master Classes, no Professional Development classes.


Professional Develpment Class Bundle: $995

Includes: One Professional Development class and all four Master Classes


Add-on to Pro. Dev. Bundle: $1195

Includes: Both Professional Development classess and all four Master Classes, no Scene Study Rehearsal or Performances

Winter Intensive: $1250
All Master Classes and Professional Development Classes, including Scene Study (Rehearsals) and Performances


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