2023 Summer Intensive Production "No Exit". (l-r) Aiden Bate, Christine Rogers, and Taylor Reimold.
All classes for the Winter Intensive are held at Raleigh ACT, 7619 Six Forks Road, North Raleigh
Wednesdays and Thursdays, 6 pm - 9 pm
Saturdays and Sundays, 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Maximum # of students: 8
2025 Winter Intensive
Scene Study Production
Jan 22 - Mar 9
$795 - $1250
Actors Training Ground is the first acting studio in the Raleigh area to offer an 9-week acting intensive ending with a public presentation of a one-act or full-length production. It was first introduced in 2015. The intensives are styled like an acting conservatory and geared towards character development and preparing actors for productions while taking a full schedule of classes.
In addition to one-act or the production, the students also take 4 Master Classes and 2 Professional Development Classes to further along their eduction for stage and film. Past Master classes have included Improvisation, Movement for the Actor, Shakespeare, and Stage Combat. For the complete experience you can add our panels to your program. These include: a Director's Panel and a "Working with an Agent" panel with Talent One Talent Agency, How an Actor Prepares panel and. 20-minute headshot session with Jane Bonin of Covershot CLassics Photography.
We have many options for attending our Intensives: the Master Class Bundle, the full Intensive, and the complete Intensive with Panels.
Due to the intensity of the curriculum, the Acting Intensive Program is open to actors who understand the principles behind acting or have a serious commitment to learn quickly.
Class size in the intensives is limited to 8 - 10 participants.
Winter Scene Study Intensive​
Winter Intensive Schedule:
Weds. and Thurs., 6 - 9
Sats. and Suns., 2:30 - 6
Scheduled Classes:
Voice-Over with Wendy Zier
On-Camera Technique with Tony Pender
Acting with Movement
Scene Study (Rehearsals)
Master Class Bundle: $795
Includes: All four Master Classes, no Professional Development classes.
Professional Develpment Class Bundle: $995
Includes: One Professional Development class and all four Master Classes
Add-on to Pro. Dev. Bundle: $1195
Includes: Both Professional Development classess and all four Master Classes, no Scene Study Rehearsal or Performances
Winter Intensive: $1250
All Master Classes and Professional Development Classes, including Scene Study (Rehearsals) and Performances
One or more panels may be offered at a later date on an individual basis.
Panels (TBD):
Working with a Director
Working with an Agent
How an Actor Prepares
Acting as a Business
20-minute Headshot Session with Jane Bonin of Covershot Classics Photography
This is the schedule for the
2024 Summer Session and Intensive
Neutral Tones - Regular Classes
Blue - Intensive
Pink - Performances
Purple - Intensive Panels (TBD)
Why should I take the Intensive?
The intensives are a great way to get the feel of conservatory training by combining classes and scene study/production work. It prepares the actor to utilize their time management as well as integrate the practices learned in the Master Classes. The intensive is not a like the regular session classes which focus on the principles of acting. The intensives are geared towards the actor who already has an understanding of the basic acting skills needed.
How can I be involved in the Intensive?
There are two ways you can be involved with the Intensive:
1. Full Participant - Register for the entire Intensive which includes all Master Classes, Professional Development Classes, panels, and the production or Scene Study.
2. Master Class Bundle - Register for the Master Classes only. Professional Development classes and panels are not included in the Master Class Bundle.
What does the Intensive include?
As a Full participant in the Intensive you will be able to attend all Master Classes in the Intensive as well as be able to attend the "Working with an Agent" panel with Anne Greene of Talent One and the Director's Panel featuring directors in the Raleigh area. Full participants perform in the production or scene study presentation at the end of the Intensive.
What are the cost options?
The base cost of the Intensive is $1250. This covers all Master Classes, Professional Development classes, and Scene Study with You can add the panels to the Intensive for an additional $200., these panels include the unique opportunities to sit down with Anne and Rudy Greene from Talent One Talent Agency and get the ins and outs of working with an agent plus the director's panel. The 3rd option is our Master Class Bundle for $795. This includes all Master Classes. The 4th option is our Master Class Pro bundle for $950, this is our Master Class Bundle and one Professional Development Class.
Can I make a down payment or make payment arrangements?
You are able to make a non-refundable deposit of $550. This is done through an invoice. Please contact Actors Training Ground if you need to make payments arrangements for the intensive. The invoice serves as an agreement that you will pay the balance due prior to the start of the intensive or a set date that you choose.
What classes are offered in the Intensive?
With every Intensive we try to change up the classes being offered. This allows students to repeat Intensives without taken the exact same Master Classes every time.
What is the production?
Because of the nature of the Intensive, we can't know the class dynamic and therefore, the production is chosen after everyone has registered so a script can be picked. The rehearsal process is a combination of a class-like environment but also treated like a professional community theatre production.
Raleigh, NC
(917) 805-8169